Master Plan Dashboard

Article VIII, §5 D (4) of Louisiana’s Constitution requires the Board of Regents to “formulate and make timely revision of a master plan for postsecondary education….” On August 24, 2011, the Board of Regents adopted The Master Plan for Public Postsecondary Education in Louisiana: 2011 outlining the long-term goals for the State’s colleges and universities through 2025. The Master Plan outlines 3 broad goals. To assess progress towards the three goals, the plan contains 19 objectives and 97 performance measures. The Master Plan is evaluated annually.

Goal 1: Increase the educational attainment of the state’s adult population to the SREB State’s average by 2025

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Objective 1-1: Through collaboration with the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), graduate more students from high school ready for college or career.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Percentage of high school graduates completing the LA Core-4 curriculum (public and non-public school graduates) AY 2010-11 (Regents Core) 65.86% 69.52% 70.20% 76.7% 10.9%
Number of high school graduates (public and non-public) AY 2010-11 43,041 42,619 42,588 44,364 1,323
Percent of (public) high school graduates passing (scoring a 3 or higher) on one AP exam while in high school HS Graduating Class of 2010 4.6% 5.6% 6.3% 5.3% 0.7%


Objective 1-2: Increase the college-going rate of high school graduates.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Number of high school students enrolled in postsecondary education courses Fall 2010 18,551 18,914 20,691 20,454 1,903
Number of student credit hours (SCH’s) generated by high school students enrolled in postsecondary education courses Fall 2010 84,387 82,916 90,720 89,396 5,009
Graduation rate of students on state scholarships [TOPS] Entering Class of 2003-04 59% 57% 60% 60% 1%


Objective 1-3: Increase the number of adults age 25 and older enrolled in postsecondary education programs.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Number of GED’s awarded in Region 2- Greater Capital Region AY 2009-10 523 530 410 585 62
Number of GED’s awarded in Region 3- Houma/Thibodaux Region AY 2009-10 94 111 88 109 15
Number of degree programs delivered through 50%-99% distance education AY 12-13 139 N/A N/A 155 16
Number of degree programs delivered through 100% distance education AY 12-13 168 N/A N/A 221 53


Objective 1-4: Improve postsecondary persistence/retention rates (1st to 2nd Year and 1st to 3rd Year).
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
1st to 2nd year retention rate of first-time, full-time degree-seeking students (all degree seekers) for four-year universities Fall 2009-Fall 2010 80.80% 81.90% 81.50% 81.50% 0.70%
1st to 3rd year retention rate for first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students (all degree seeking); four-year universities Fall 2008- Fall 2010 72.40% 72.80% 73.90% 72.80% 0.40%


Objective 1-5: Increase graduation of transfer students.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Number of students declaring an AALT/ASLT major (unduplicated) Fall 2010 214 1,174 2,354 3,047 2,833
Number of students graduating with an AALT/ASLT degree (undplicated) AY 2010-11 7 85 112 129 122
Number of AALT/ASLT graduates who enroll in a university the following fall after earning the degree (unduplicated) AY 2011-12 2 50 74 N/A 72
Number of students graduating with any associate degree [2-yr LA colleges only] (unduplicated) AY 2009-10 3,368 5,296 4,374 4,295 927
Graduation rate of baccalaureate candidates who began at two-year colleges Fall 2003 45.90% 46.70% 46.90% 54.90% 9.00%


Objective 1-6: Increase the rate and number of students earning a postsecondary credential.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Graduation rate (two-year colleges; associate level and below) of first-time, full-time freshmen within 150% of time Entering Class of 2003-04 5.70% 6.10% 6.60% 6.90% 1.20%
Graduation rate (four-year universities; bachelor’s only) of first-time, full-time freshmen within 150% of time Entering Class of 2003-04 42.20% 41.80% 46.00% 47.70% 5.50%
Certification- 1 year AY 2009-10 3,736 4,902 4,852 4,395 659
Diploma AY 2009-10 2,757 3,337 3,522 2,823 66
Associate AY 2009-10 4,429 5,410 5,836 5,364 935
Post- Associate AY 2009-10 19 31 18 25 6
Baccalaureate AY 2009-10 17,941 18,301 18,295 18,368 427
Post-Baccalaureate AY 2009-10 25 125 151 177 152
Masters AY 2009-10 4,513 4,916 5,130 5,301 788
Post-Masters AY 2009-10 1 7 14 11 10
Doctoral AY 2009-10 523 447 583 560 37
Professional AY 2009-10 885 919 1,000 1,006 121
Total number of graduates AY 09-10 26,874 28,916 30,004 29,127 2,253


Objective 1-7: Develop a skilled workforce to support an expanding economy.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Number of high school students with dual enrollment in career/technical skills courses (unduplicated) AY 2009-10 1,125 1,461 1,455 1,676 551

Objective 1-1: Through collaboration with the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), graduate more students from high school ready for college or career.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Number of students participating in LA GEAR UP Fall 2010 8,261 7,631 7,047 5,999 -2,262
Average ACT composite score of the high school graduating class (pubilc and non-public graduates) AY 09-10 20.1 20.2 20.3 19.5 -0.6
Number of high school graduates scoring < 19 on Math sub-section of the ACT (i.e., students that would require remedial education in Math) AY 2009-10 18,292 18,284 17,826 25,400 7,108
Number of high school graduates scoring < 18 on English sub-section of the ACT (i.e., students that would require remedial education in English) AY 2009-10 12,493 11,893 11,827 18,271 5,778


Objective 1-2: Increase the college-going rate of high school graduates.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Percentage of recent high school graduates enrolled in college [within 2 Falls] (public and non-public graduates) 2008-09 Grads 59.25% 59.45% 59.10% 54.0% -5.3%
Number of recent high school grduates in college [within 2 Falls] (public and non-public graduates) 2008-09 Grads 25,091 25,749 25,446 23,080 -2,011
Total number of students on GO Grants (unduplicated) AY 2010-11 30,797 32,261 36,091 25,800 -4,997
Number of first-time astudents on GO Grants (unduplicated) AY 2010-11 17,065 16,192 18,585 12,708 -4,357


Objective 1-3: Increase the number of adults age 25 and older enrolled in postsecondary education programs.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Number of students 25 or older enrolled in adult basic education programs (unduplicated) AY 2009-10 13,577 12,481 12,876 11,985 -1,592
Total number of GEDs awarded each year to students 25 or older AY 2009-10 2448 2400 1,813 2,242 -206
Number of GED’s awarded in Region 1- Greater New Orleans Region AY 2009-10 423 436 327 365 -58
Number of GED’s awarded in Region 4- Acadiana Region AY 2009-10 271 263 147 200 -71
Number of GED’s awarded in Region 5- Calcasieu Region AY 2009-10 164 153 145 147 -17
Number of GED’s awarded in Region 6- CenLA Region AY 2009-10 356 287 204 299 -57
Number of GED’s awarded in Region 7- Shreveport/Bossier Region AY 2009-10 312 312 257 258 -54
Number of GED’s awarded in Region 8- Delta Region AY 2009-10 305 308 235 279 -26
Number of adults (age 25 or older) enrolled in postsecondary courses [Undergrad only] Fall 2010 55,557 56,174 53,147 50,659 -4,898


Objective 1-4: Improve postsecondary persistence/retention rates (1st to 2nd Year and 1st to 3rd Year).
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
1st to 2nd year retention rate of first-time, full-time degree-seeking students (all degree seekers) statewide Fall 2009- Fall 2010 74.50% 74.00% 73.50% 73.90% -0.60%
1st to 2nd year retention rate of first-time, full-time degree-seeking students (all degree seekers) for two-year colleges Fall 2009-Fall 2010 58.80% 56.60% 56.20% 55.30% -3.50%
Statewide fall to spring retention rate of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students (technical colleges) Fall 2009 to Spring 2010 76.90% 73.90% 74.30% 72.20% -4.70%


Objective 1-4: Improve postsecondary persistence/retention rates (1st to 2nd Year and 1st to 3rd Year).
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
1st to 2nd year retention rate of first-time, full-time degree-seeking students (all degree seekers) statewide Fall 2009- Fall 2010 74.50% 74.00% 73.50% 73.90% -0.60%
1st to 2nd year retention rate of first-time, full-time degree-seeking students (all degree seekers) for two-year colleges Fall 2009-Fall 2010 58.80% 56.60% 56.20% 55.30% -3.50%
Statewide fall to spring retention rate of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students (technical colleges) Fall 2009 to Spring 2010 76.90% 73.90% 74.30% 72.20% -4.70%


Objective 1-6: Increase the rate and number of students earning a postsecondary credential.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Post-Professional AY 2009-10 23 24 27 18 -5
Specialist AY 2009-10 52 56 40 43 -9
Completer productivity: ratio of graduates to enrollment [Undergrad only] AY 09-10 5.82 5.35 5.06 5.08 -0.74


Goal 2: Foster Innovation through Research in Science and Technology in Louisiana

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Objective 2-1: Maintain and build strength in foundational science and technology disciplines identified in FIRST Louisiana.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Number of faculty researchers in the foundational science (# and % of faculty holding active R&D grants/contracts)- LSUHSCNO AY 2010-11 N/A 103 (17.63%) 152 (27.9%) 152 (41.4%) 49
Number of faculty researchers in the foundational science (# and % of faculty holding active R&D grants/contracts)- LSUHSCS AY 2010-11 85 (33%) 92 (37.0%) 99 (46.0%) 88 (49.0%) 3
Dollar value of investments in science and technology research at campus and State levels (R&D expenditures at universities and colleges from all funding sources) FY 2008 $660,139,000 $670,995,000 $713,675,000 $699,228,000 $39,089,000
Number of peer-reviewed outcomes (e.g., active grants and contracts) and value of industrial support (R&D expenditures at colleges and universities from industry sources) FY 2008 $20,853,000 $20,076,000 $38,794,000 $40,254,000 $19,401,000


Objective 2-2: Promote multidisciplinary and multi-institutional collaborative research efforts.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Number of shared facilities and resources related to collaborative research (square feet of assignable research space) 2007 2,299,000 (sq.ft.) 2,883,000 (sq.ft.) 2,952,000 (sq. ft) N/A 653,000 (sq. ft)


Objective 2-3: Sustain and advance research commercialization and translational activities that promote economic development in Louisiana.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Amount of university/federal research and financial partnership FY 2008 $300,024,000 $307,347,000 $333,043,000 $319,784,000 $19,760,000
Amount of university/industry research and financial partnership FY 2008 $20,853,000 $20,076,000 $38,794,000 $40,254,000 $19,401,000
Amount of research funded through institution funds FY 2008 $164,104,000 $165,025,000 $192,533,000 $197,705,000 $33,601,000
Number of invention disclosures FY 2009 162 181 150 171 9
Number of start-ups formed FY 2009 7 6 7 8 1
Number of licenses executed FY 2009 23 30 34 28 5
Total active licenses FY 2009 169 170 197 176 7
Amount of aligned investment of State and campus resources in areas of high potential for research commercialization (dollar amount of R&D expenditures in LA’s key economic development industries)- LSU A&M AY 2010-11 $139,062,000 $142,770,000 $144,794,000 $145,364,000 $6,302,000
Amount of aligned investment of State and campus resources in areas of high potential for research commercialization (dollar amount of R&D expenditures in LA’s key economic development industries)- LSUHSCS AY 2010-11 $30,335,250 $30,431,600 $31,132,000 $31,191,000 $855,750
Amount of aligned investment of State and campus resources in areas of high potential for research commercialization (dollar amount of R&D expenditures in LA’s key economic development industries)- LA Tech AY 2010-11 $17,307,000 $18,580,000 $19,800,000 $19,665,000 $2,358,000
Amount of aligned investment of State and campus resources in areas of high potential for research commercialization (dollar amount of R&D expenditures in LA’s key economic development industries)- ULL AY 2010-11 $38,773,000 $41,872,000 $42,753,000 $43,477,000 $4,704,000
Amount of university revenue generated from research commercialization, technology transfer and intellectual property development FY 2009 $15,892,685 $16,317,382 $14,533,715 $20,983,356 $5,090,671


Objective 2-2: Promote multidisciplinary and multi-institutional collaborative research efforts.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
NSF Science and Technology Centers 2010-11 0 0 0 0 0
NSF Engineering Research Centers 2010-11 0 0 0 0 0

Objective 2-1: Maintain and build strength in foundational science and technology disciplines identified in FIRST Louisiana.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Number of faculty researchers in the foundational science (# and % of faculty holding active R&D grants/contracts)- LSU A&M AY 2010-11 562 (51.6%) 554 (52.7%) 474 (47.6%) 479 (47.3%) -83
Number of faculty researchers in the foundational science (# and % of faculty holding active R&D grants/contracts)- LA Tech AY 2010-11 121 (38.2%) 115 (36.9%) 115 (37.1%) 105 (36.0%) -16
Number of faculty researchers in the foundational science (# and % of faculty holding active R&D grants/contracts)- ULL AY 2010-11 168 (21.29%) 165 (21.77%) 173 (40.6%) 143 (34.2%) -25
Number of faculty researchers in the foundational science (# and % of faculty holding active R&D grants/contracts)- UNO AY 2010-11 110 (26.3%) 103 (28.0%) 78 (20.4%) 75 (21.5%) -35


Objective 2-2: Promote multidisciplinary and multi-institutional collaborative research efforts.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Number of research sub-contracts with Louisiana higher education internal and external funding across disciplines and campuses (public institutions). (# of BoRSF Research Competitiveness and Industrial Ties Research Subprogram active contracts) FY 2010-11 110 98 85 102 -8


Objective 2-3: Sustain and advance research commercialization and translational activities that promote economic development in Louisiana.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Amount of university/State & Local Government research and financial partnership FY 2008 $117,859,000 $115,053,000 $108,812,000 $100,797,000 -$17,062,000
Number of new patent applications FY 2009 88 76 96 64 -24
Number of US patents issued FY 2009 26 20 32 23 -3
Amount of aligned investment of State and campus resources in areas of high potential for research commercialization (dollar amount of R&D expenditures in LA’s key economic development industries)- LSUHSCNO AY 2010-11 $55,663,400 $59,613,963 $58,029,758 $55,634,993 -$28,407
Amount of aligned investment of State and campus resources in areas of high potential for research commercialization (dollar amount of R&D expenditures in LA’s key economic development industries)- UNO AY 2010-11 $17,440,000 $17,667,000 $17,440,000 $16,584,000 -$856,000


Goal 3: Achieve greater accountability, efficiency and effectiveness in the postsecondary education system.


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Objective 3-1: Advance a performance-based funding formula for higher education that aligns with the GRAD Act and drives continued improvement in education outcomes and meeting the workforce needs of the State.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Change in 1st to 2nd year retention rate Fall 2009 – Fall 2010 -3.60% -0.5% -0.5% 0.4% 4.00%
Number of Louisiana residents receiving credentials (unduplicated) AY 2009-10 28,713 30,938 32,233 33,249 4,536
Change in number of Louisiana residents receiving credentials from prior year AY 2009-10 (Change from 2008-09) 942 2,225 1,295 1,016 74
Objective 3-4: Create a more balanced enrollment mix between two-year and four-year institutions.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Undergraduate completers- Tech + CC = Total 2-yr AY 2009-10 9,411 11,252 12,743 11,527 2,116
Undergraduate completers-4-yr + Specialty (undergrad) = Total 4-yr. AY 2009-10 18,662 19,613 19,931 25,549 6,887
Number of completers- Diplomas AY 2009-10 2,757 3,229 3,522 2,823 66
Number of completers- Certificates AY 2009-10 3,736 4,323 4,852 4,395 659
Number of completers- Associates AY 2009-10 4,348 5,296 5,854 5,389 941
Number of completers- Baccalaureate Degrees AY 2009-10 17,941 18,017 18,295 18,368 427
Number of transfer students (2-yr to 4-yr); full-time and part-time Fall 2010 Enrollment 1,870 1,993 1,966 1,955 125
Objective 3-1: Advance a performance-based funding formula for higher education that aligns with the GRAD Act and drives continued improvement in education outcomes and meeting the workforce needs of the State.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Change in 1st to 3rd year retention rate Fall 2009 – Fall 2010 0.20% 0.4% 1.10% -1.1% -1.30%
Change in Fall to Spring retention rate (Tech Colleges Only) Fall 2009 – Spring 2010 0.40% 2.00% 0.40% -2.1% -2.50%
Change in number of degree/certificate recipients (unduplicated) 2009-10 873 2,042 1,088 -877 -1,750
Percentage change in number of Louisiana residents receiving credentials from prior year AY 2009-10 (Change from 2008-09) 3.40% 7.70% 4.10% 3.10% -0.30%
Objective 3-4: Create a more balanced enrollment mix between two-year and four-year institutions.
Performance Measures Baseline Year Baseline Data Year 1 Data Year 2 Data Year 3 Data Change from Baseline
Increased entrance scores of university entering freshmen (ACT composite change from prior year) Fall 2010 Entering Class 21 (+0.2 from prior yr.) 20.9 (-0.1 from prior yr.) 21.3 (+0.4 from prior yr.) -0.3 -0.5