Second Extraordinary Legislative Session
The 2nd Extraordinary Legislative Session of 2018 concluded its work at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, June 4, 2018. The Governor called the special session to address an anticipated revenue shortfall of nearly $650 million resulting from the expiration of a temporary one penny sales tax on June 30, 2018.
The legislature failed to pass two sales tax measures aimed at addressing a portion of the shortfall: House Bill 27 by Representative Lance Harris (renew a third of the penny) and House Bill 12 by Representative Walt Leger (renew half of the penny). However, the legislature passed an appropriations bill, House Bill 1, to fund government effective July 1, 2018. Therefore, in the absence of new revenue, higher education is slated to receive a budget reduction of approximately $96 million and TOPS funding is short by $88 million (funded at 70% of total need). Additional revenue is necessary to address the significant budget challenge faced by higher education institutions, TOPS, and other areas of state government.
The Governor indicated that he will call the legislature into a 3rd Extraordinary Session in the coming weeks.
Statement from Dr. Joseph C. Rallo
“We appreciate the diligent work of our legislators over the past weeks on behalf of the citizens of Louisiana. While their efforts on behalf of higher education institutions and their students were not successful, we are confident that they will be able to come to a more successful conclusion in the coming weeks. Higher education remains the economic engine for the state and we know that our legislators share that perspective.”