Research and Sponsored Initiatives

The Office of Research and Sponsored Initiatives (RSI) administers State and federal programs that provide funding and other resources to Louisiana’s postsecondary education community, interacts extensively with institutions and governmental agencies to support research and educational enhancement initiatives, and supports 21st-century STEM workforce development through the Board of Regents’ LaSTEM and Cybersecurity Education programs.





Funded through the constitutionally dedicated Kevin P. Reilly, Sr. Louisiana Education Quality Trust Fund (LEQTF), the Board of Regents Support Fund (BoRSF) affords grant opportunities for four constitutionally designated activities designed to improve educational quality, foster Louisiana’s research faculty and infrastructure, and contribute to the State’s economic development.

Learn More about BoRSF


Board of Regents shield logo with pelican

LOGAN, the Louisiana Online Grant Automation Network, is the Board of Regents’ online system for pre- and post-award management of awards made through Sponsored Programs. Functions include:

    • Campus and principal investigator proposal and report preparation and submission
    • Reviewer access to competitive program proposals, supporting materials, and data
    • Retention of current and historical documents for easy retrieval
    • Contract management and data analysis tools for Sponsored Programs staff
    • Quick-response capability to generate information for stakeholder questions and requests
    • Near-paperless platform to facilitate extensive real-time exchanges of documents between faculty, campuses, and Regents staff

LOGAN Portal

Funding Opportunities

Sponsored Programs, using both State and federal dollars, operates numerous competitive funding opportunities for research and educational grants, student support, and endowment matching.

Learn More about Sponsored Programs

Louisiana EPSCoR

Board of Regents shield logo with pelican

Louisiana EPSCoR, supported by the National Science Foundation, is contributing significantly to the growth of Louisiana’s research enterprise by providing funding and opportunities for science and engineering faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and post-doctoral assistants.

Learn More about EPSCoR


LASTEM coordinates and oversees the creation, delivery, and promotion of STEM education programs to increase student interest and achievement in the fields of STEM, to ensure the alignment of education, economic development, industry, and workforce needs, and to increase the number of women who graduate from a postsecondary institution with a STEM degree or credential.

Learn More about LASTEM


The Cybersecurity Education Management Council (CEMC) is tasked with promoting degree and certificate programs in cybersecurity fields offered by public postsecondary education institutions to meet Louisiana’s workforce needs

Learn More about CEMC

RSI Staff

Name Title Email
Carrie Robison Deputy Commissioner for Sponsored Programs
Michael Khonsari, Ph.D. Associate Commissioner for Sponsored Programs Research and Development
Christine Norton Assistant Commissioner for Board of Regents Support Fund (BoRSF) Administration
Clint Coleman, Ph.D. Program Administrator, STEM & Cybersecurity Initiatives
Shannon Domingue Director of Communications and Outreach, Louisiana EPSCoR
Bryan Jones Program Administrator, Senior Grants
Chris Mestayer Program Manager, Senior Endowment
Jessica Patton Federal Programs Manager
Jennifer Stevens Program Manager, LASTEM Initiatives & BoRSF Grants and Contracts

The Master Plan

To move Louisiana aggressively forward, the Board of Regents has embraced a robust new attainment goal that calls for 60% of all working-age adults (ages 25-64) in Louisiana to hold a degree or high-value credential by 2030. As we stand on the brink of a new decade, this Master Plan, born of the Board of Regents’ unique charge to guide postsecondary education across the state, will set the foundation to increase opportunity.  Our Talent Imperative is to Educate, Innovate, and Collaborate.

Master Plan for Higher Education