Student Success Council

The Student Success Council was established to research, implement, and recommend strategies that will accelerate student success in order to reach the Master Plan goals. A wide range of expertise will be leveraged to implement at scale high-impact, student-centered practices focused on improving postsecondary access and completion.

Consistent with the Council framework introduced to the Board on January 6, 2020, the SSC is convened by Board staff on a regular basis and is charged to help identify trends, obstacles, and solutions that will inform policies and practices to achieve attainment goals.  It will evaluate progress toward Master Plan objectives and provide guidance to accelerate attainment/completion.  The stated objectives of the Council include identifying barriers to postsecondary credential completion, determining best practices for scale implementation, developing strategies to close equity gaps, and researching and recommending policy solutions to improve service to students.

  • Council Members

    Student Success Council Members

    Name Institution
    Stacey Lynch Louisiana Delta Community College
    Dr. Amy D. Cable Louisiana’s Community and Technical College System
    Tara Mitchell Baton Rouge Community College
    Bradley Narcisse Nunez Community College
    Debbie Tabchouri South Louisiana Community College
    Jose Aviles Louisiana State University
    Dr. Taniecea A. Mallery University of Louisiana Lafayette
    Dawn Mitchell Northwestern State University
    Dr. Joel Stake Louisiana Tech University
    Shannon Williamson University of New Orleans
    La’Charlotte’ C. Garrett Southern University New Orleans
    Dr. Lonnie McCray Southern University Shreveport Louisiana
    Chandler Vidrine Southern University Baton Rouge
    Taylor DeCuir Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University
    Dr. Janice Thompson-Sanchez Dillard University
    Dr. Katherine Bearden Centenary College
    Ken Bradford Louisiana Department of Education
    Susie Schowen Louisiana Economic Development
    Dr. Kenya Messer Louisiana Association of Independent Colleges & Universities
    Dr. René Cintrόn Louisiana’s Community and Technical College System
    Dr. James Ammons Southern System
    Dr. Matt Lee Louisiana State University System
    Dr. Jeannine Kahn University of Louisiana System
    Dr. Kevin Cope Association of Louisiana Faculty Senates
  • Council Meetings & Agendas

    January 25, 2021


    April 27, 2021


    July 27, 2021

    • Agenda / Minutes to be approved


    October 26, 2021

  • Documents

The Master Plan

To move Louisiana aggressively forward, the Board of Regents has embraced a robust new attainment goal that calls for 60% of all working-age adults (ages 25-64) in Louisiana to hold a degree or high-value credential by 2030. As we stand on the brink of a new decade, this Master Plan, born of the Board of Regents’ unique charge to guide postsecondary education across the state, will set the foundation to increase opportunity.  Our Talent Imperative is to Educate, Innovate, and Collaborate.

Master Plan for Higher Education