Master Plan Data Apps Toolkit

This toolkit contains data apps used to measure progress towards Louisiana’s Master Plan Talent Development Goal of 60% attainment by the year 2030. Using traditional higher education statistics such as enrollment, retention, completion, and demographics in conjunction with broader, societal measures like income, poverty, and employment stakeholders are able to track changes in overall state well-being and prosperity over time.


Master Plan Dashboard Logo

Includes 9 interactive attainment metrics, disaggregated by race/ethnicity, geography, and age range, that can be filtered by system and by institution type to track progress and inform decision making.

Prosperity Index logoUsed to measure prosperity across Louisiana with a focus on whether it is being achieved equitably. Higher scores always indicate better outcomes, but may not represent actual values.

  • To access the Prosperity Index, click here.
  • To learn more on the statistical model and technical documentation of the Index, click here.

PSEO DataThe Census Bureau’s Postsecondary Employment Outcomes (PSEO) Explorer Tool combines labor market and higher education data to measure the impact of graduation displaying earnings and employment outcomes for multiple states. 

Fact Book logo
Includes static information relevant to enrollment demographics, persistence, graduation rates, and more




Article VIII of Louisiana’s Constitution authorizes the Board of Regents (BoR) to develop a master plan for higher education in Louisiana. This Master Plan provides a broad vision for the State’s higher education system and acknowledges its interdependence with the economy and its many contributions towards better lives for Louisiana’s citizenry. The actions outlined in this Plan are guided by the reality that Louisiana must raise the educational attainment of its adult citizens if it is to compete successfully in the 21st century world economy. The Plan also addresses the need to strategically invest in targeted research to sustain and expand the State’s economic development. Finally, increased accountability is a common thread which undergirds every element of this Master Plan.

To move Louisiana aggressively forward, the Board of Regents has embraced a robust new attainment goal that calls for 60% of all working-age adults (ages 25-64) in Louisiana to hold a degree or high-value credential by 2030. As we stand on the brink of a new decade, this Master Plan, born of the Board of Regents’ unique charge to guide postsecondary education across the state, will set the foundation to increase opportunity.  Our Talent Imperative is to Educate, Innovate, and Collaborate.


Master Plan for Higher Education


Master Plan Resources

Master Plan Dashboard Logo


This toolkit contains data apps used to measure progress towards Louisiana’s Master Plan Talent Development Goal of 60% attainment by the year 2030. Using traditional higher education statistics such as enrollment, retention, completion, and demographics in conjunction with broader, societal measures like income, poverty, and employment stakeholders are able to track changes in overall state well-being and prosperity over time.

Includes 9 interactive attainment metrics, disaggregated by race/ethnicity, geography, and age range, that can be filtered by system and by institution type to track progress and inform decision making.


Master Plan Data Dashboard

Other Resources

Prosperity Index logo



Used to measure prosperity across Louisiana with a focus on whether it is being achieved equitably. Higher scores always indicate better outcomes, but may not represent actual values.

Prosperity Index

Statistical Model and Technical Documentation



The Census Bureau’s Postsecondary Employment Outcomes (PSEO) Explorer Tool combines labor market and higher education data to measure the impact of graduation displaying earnings and employment outcomes for multiple states. 



Fact Book logo


Includes static information relevant to enrollment demographics, persistence, graduation rates, and more.

Fact Book



Reporting and Specifications


TOPS Reports

Act 1202 of the 2001 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature charges the Board of Regents with developing a uniform TOPS reporting system for the purposes of policy analysis and program evaluation, and to provide accurate data and statistics relative to the program’s impact on the State and on students.

The Master Plan


To move Louisiana aggressively forward, the Board of Regents has embraced a robust new attainment goal that calls for 60% of all working-age adults (ages 25-64) in Louisiana to hold a degree or high-value credential by 2030. As we stand on the brink of a new decade, this Master Plan, born of the Board of Regents’ unique charge to guide postsecondary education across the state, will set the foundation to increase opportunity.  Our Talent Imperative is to Educate, Innovate, and Collaborate.


Master Plan for Higher Education